For many of our clients, Eco-op and the other people who attend it become part of their everyday support network helping to build resilience, maintain health, and encourages a positive approach to mind, body and spirit.

Our activities provide opportunities for learning, developing life skills, raising self-esteem and confidence by being part of our small community.

We have been inspired by the New Economic Foundation’s Five Steps to Wellbeing and intend to use these well researched guidelines to steer our strategic direction. These principles have been embraced by many organisations as a practical way of building resilience, wellbeing and mindfulness for those in vulnerable groups.


Our project emphasises social contact and being part of a supportive community. We have a range of project events throughout the year to celebrate the seasons and we make efforts to recognise achievements as well as birthdays.


Our partnership with Richmond & Hillcroft Adult Community College has brought a lot of new activities to the project. Sessional teachers visit our premises in Kingston to deliver IT, English, Maths and Art classes.

Be Active

We have a regular walk club which visits local parks, museums and areas of intrest. Excercise sessions are avaliable twice weekly to help our community stay in shape.

Take Notice

We encourage our members to develop positive strategies for coping with thier own mental health and to recognise the signs of anxiety in others. One-to-one intensive support is available for those with acute distress.


Peer to peer support has always been a key feature of Kingston Eco-Op. Being aware of the feelings and needs of others is not only crucial for future employment but also helps to increase social skills in general.



Activities Leaflet 2025 by Kingston Eco-Op