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To help us run the Larch Club

Join us on the 20th November for our Christmas fayre!

Launched in August 2023

We are looking for a volunteer to help run our social club for adults with autism.

We won some free tickets for our community to enjoy the amazing lights at Kew Gardens at Christmas.

Getting in the festive spirit at Eco-op's Christmas fayre.


What our clients say


"I have gone a long way with Kingston Eco-Op.
It has broadened my interests and it has taught me how to mend bikes.
Its given me a new avenue to look for a job.
The people are brilliant and the staff are excellent, very supportive in helping us."

Kingston Eco-op is funded by the Integrated Care Board, Adult Social Care, Royal Borough of Kingston and Surrey Council.

 We also apply for targeted grants to support our work and receive donations from businesses and individuals.


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